Philippe Labrune, MD, PhD, pediatrician-geneticist, is Chief of the Pediatric Unit in Antoine-Béclère Hospital (Assistance Publique Hôpitaux de Paris,France), Director of the Centre for Inherited Metabolic Hepatic Diseases, and Co-director of the “Rare Diseases Platform - Paris Sud”, France. He is a members of SFEIM and SSIEM (learned societies).
Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris, Hôpital Antoine-Béclère - France
Prof Labrune earned his medical degree and doctorate and completed his residency in Paediatrics anf genetics at the University of Paris Descartes .
Prof Labrune is the coordinator of the reference center that was certified as a “center of expertise in rare diseases” by the French health Ministry in 2005. It is a center which takes care of a group of rare metabolic hepatic diseases from newborns to adults. This center has also been awarded, in 2012, the certificate according to the ISO9001:2008 standards
Prof Labrune is a member of the French network of metabolic diseases named “Filière G2M” certified in 2013 by the health Ministry. Pr Labrune is the co-coordinator and a member of the steering committee of “Plateforme d’expertise Maladies Rares Paris-Sud” which was created in 2013, gathering 15 reference centers for rare diseases, whose roles are, whithin the group of universitary hospitals “Paris Sud”, to promote communication/information on rare diseases, to support research projects on these topics and to develop the relationships between professionals and patients associations. Prof Labrune is one of the experts for rare metabolic diseases, for the CPAM (French social security) and member of one of the commissions (working on new drugs and new therapies) of the ANSM (Agence Nationale de Sécurité du Medicament, National Agency for Safety of Drugs). He is a member of both SFEIM and SSIEM (learned societies ) and is especially interested in developing innovative health approaches for both diagnosis and treatment of metabolic inherited diseases, and he is also collaborating with public research activities (murine models) and for gene therapy trials in collaboration with Genethon. He has several international collaborations in 4 rare diseases registries.
Prof Labrune is the head of the scientific council of the AFG (Glycogen storage diseases francophone association) and participates to the activities of two other associations (Galactosemia, Crigler Najjar)
Prof Labrune published about 275 articles, indexed in Pubmed, with a h index (Web of Science) at 29.