Solidarity Ukraine
In solidarity with Ukraine and Ukrainian rare metabolic disease patients

MetabERN expresses deep concerns with respect to the ongoing escalating and catastrophic crisis in Ukraine, which is dramatically affecting the lives of millions of Ukrainian citizens. Rare diseases and rare metabolic disease patients are expected to be among the refugee population fleeing Ukraine to neighbour countries.
In solidarity with the Ukrainian people, including Ukrainian rare metabolic patients, MetabERN centres, especially in neighbouring countries, are keen and ready to provide medical services for patients suffering from rare metabolic diseases. Below, you can find the list of our centres in countries close by to Ukraine.
Please, share this information with everyone concerned to help reach out to those patients. For any informational requests, please, contact the Coordination Office via mail (
MetabERN centres in Hungary:
MetabERN centres in Romania:
MetabERN centres in Slovakia:
MetabERN centres in Lithuania:
All 24 European Reference Networks (ERNs) launch a dedicated website and social media campaign (#ERNcare4Ua) to collect information to help health professionals find support for Ukrainian patients with rare diseases: diagnosis, treatment, advice.
Visit the ERNcare4Ua website, originated by the joint effort of all 24 European Reference Networks to help health professionals find support for Ukrainian patients with rare diseases: diagnosis, treatment, advice.