Area of expertise includes lysosomal diseases and intermediate metabolism diseases.
Genoa, ITALY
Area of expertise includes lysosomal diseases and intermediate metabolism diseases.
Concerning lysosomal diseases the Healthcare Provider has a longstanding tradition (41 years) and internationally recognized expertise in prenatal and postnatal diagnosis which could be shared with other Healthcare Providers.
In the same laboratory there is one of the oldest national biobank, being established in 1976, which preserves well-documented biospecimens and associated data, which are continuously updated on the basis of clinical revisions and research results. To date the biobank stores 12.500 biospecimens including dermal fibroblasts,EBV-lymphoblasts,amniocyte and chorion villous cells,DNAs/RNAs, blood samples, serum/plasma. The online sample catalogue lists more than 260 distinct genetic defects ( The relative number of patients is the following: lysosomal disorders 1394, carbohydrate metabolism disorders 143, other metabolic disorders 181. It has always been associated member of the BBMRI-EU and in 2014 admitted to BBMRI-IT. From 2012 it is partner of EuroBioBank and of RD-Connect, an EU project aimed at connecting databases, registries, biobanks and clinical bioinformatics for rare disease research. Since 2008, the Gaslini biobank also is the Coordinator centre of ”Telethon Network of Genetic Biobanks ”, composed of 11 Genetic Biobanks located in different areas of Italy.
As distribution service the Gaslini biobank supplied several hundred samples to the international scientific community for specific research projects on rare genetic diseases including metabolic ones . Up to now, the contribution of the biobank has beenexpressed in more than 200 scientific manuscripts, in which the Gaslini’s biobank is properly cited in the “Acknowledgement” section.
The biobank has also developed a close relationship with the Patients’ Associations to whom is providing an effective service by biobanking their rare samples. This service is regulated by relevant written agreements which define rules and tasks of the parties.
In these last years the clinicians involved in lysosomal disorders have shared their clinical experiences with Italian and European colleagues to identify algorithm for diagnosis, recommendations for treatment and follow-up, disease severity score index, criteria for assessing minimal disease activity etc; that is true in particular for Gaucher disease because casistic series of Gaucher Disease is the most wide in comparison with series casistic of other lysosomal disorders. This experience is a good contribution to care of patients with Gaucher disease but also a model of cooperation for other lysosomal diseases.
Furthermore Gaslini qualified multidisciplinary team has reached a good experience on metabolic diseases to share knowledge across the network: (i) neuroradiologists firstly reported in literature some neuroimaging very typical of specific metabolic diseases (congenital defects of glycosilation, SURF mutations, Krabbe disease etc) and have so wide experience to be a valid support for neuroradiologicdiagnosis of patients from other Healthcare Providers; (ii) Ematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation Unit, which has collaboration programs with East Europe countries for transplant in hemato-oncologic diseases, could support other Healthcare Providers for transplant in metabolic diseases; (iii) ortopedic surgeon and neurosurgeon acquired good experience concerning atlanto-occipital stabilization and other spine surgery which could be available for other Healthcare Providers which need it.
Specific treatments and interventions