Publication RareDiseaseEducation

Rare disease education in Europe – read the new publication

Read the position paper “Rare disease education in Europe and beyond: time to act” published at the Orphanet journal of rare diseases.

Citation: Tumiene B, Peters H, Melegh B, Peterlin B, Utkus A, Fatkulina N, Pfliegler G, Graessner H, Hermanns S, Scarpa M, Blay JY, Ashton S, McKay L, Baynam G. Rare disease education in Europe and beyond: time to act. Orphanet J Rare Dis. 2022 Dec 19;17(1):441. doi: 10.1186/s13023-022-02527-y. PMID: 36536417; PMCID: PMC9761619.

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