
RARE2019, 4-5 March 2019 | Vienna, Austria

RARE2019 will follow on from the success of its predecessor, addressing the challenges of Rare Diseases Treatments as well as new therapies on the horizon. It will expand on so-called “generic topics”, such as clinical trials’ design, funding for research, digital health, big data on the one hand and focusing on the individual patients for innovation in both drug development and management.

This Congress is excited to welcome world-renowned speakers, all of whom are experts in the field of Rare Diseases and who will present ground-breaking and cutting-edge news on treatments in Rare Diseases.

This year the Scientific Committee will present a Best Abstract Award to the top 3 submitted abstracts. Abstract topics include:

  • General challenges in rare disease
  • Patients focused aspects in rare diseases
  • Rare syndromes
  • Single gene diseases
  • Relations between rare diseases and common disorders
  • Miscellaneous rare diseases
  • New treatment modalities
  • Role of registries and big data
  • Ethical aspects in rare diseases
  • Raising awareness for rare diseases

Registration is open

Event Website
Preliminary Programme

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