Peter van Hasselt

UMCU, Utrecht, the Netherlands
Peter van Hasselt
Gepke Visser, paediatrician, is head of the department of metabolic diseases of the Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital, UMCU in The Netherlands (CIMD-UMCU). The UMCU hosts the designated Dutch hematopoietic stem cell transplantation centre for lysosomal storage disorders and other metabolic disorders. Furthermore, she is head of the national expertise center on fatty acid oxidation disorders.

Peter van Hasselt is manager research and as such member of the leaderships team of the division Child at the UMC Utrecht. He is head of the department of Metabolic Diseases at the Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital. His research centers around creating better care for the rare. Themes include ‘a diagnosis for the undiagnosable’ and critical appraisal of current therapies for the rare for which he has designed innovative epidemiological tools, including targeted cohort analyses and ‘meta-analysis of case reports’ as well as ‘ a treatment for the (currently) untreatable’: getting ready for therapies to come, particularly including CLN3 disease and MPS1H.

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