François-Guillaume Debray

François-Guillaume Debray
François-Guillaume Debray, MD, PhD, paediatrician and geneticist, is head of the Metabolic Unit in CHU and CHC of Liège. He is the coordinator of the belgian Centre Interinstitutiionnel wallon de prise en charge des Maladies héréditaires du Métabolisme (CIMM). He is professor of Human Genetics and Lecturer for Inborn Errors of Metabolism at faculty of Medicine, University of Liège, Belgium.

Prof Debray is graduated as medical doctor from Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium. He was certified in pediatrics and did a followship in Medical Genetics between 2003 and 2006 at Sainte-Justine Hospital and Montreal University, Montreal, Canada. He obtained his PhD at University of Liège in 2008 with a thesis on mitochondrial diseases in pediatrics. Currently, he is head of the Center for Metabolic Diseases at Liège University Hospital and senior lecturer in Medical Genetics and Inborn Errors of Metabolism at Liège University. He has a strong interest in biochemical genetics, inborn errors of metabolism and neurometabolic disorders.

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