ELISA LEÃO TELES, MD, Paediatrician, Founder and Head of Metabolic Unit of Hospital S. João, Porto, Portugal (1986-2015). Currently, Senior Consultant, Head of the Multidisciplinary Team and Scientific Coordinator of the Inherited Metabolic Diseases Reference Centre of the Centro Hospitalar S. João, Porto, Portugal. Director of the post-graduate Clinical Training Program on Inherited Metabolic Diseases, approved in Portugal by legal entities.
Centro Hospitalar de São João, Porto, Portugal
ELISA LEÃO TELES, MD, Graduated in Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine of University of Porto (UP) (1975); Qualification as Paediatrician / National Board Certification in Paediatrics.
Founder and Head of the Metabolic Diseases Unit of the Paediatric Department of the Centro Hospitalar de S. João (CHSJ) / Faculty of Medicine of University of Porto (FMUP) (1986-2015). After 2004, Head of the Paediatric and Adult Metabolic Units, of the same centre. Currently, is the senior consultant, Head of the Multidisciplinary Team and Scientific Coordinator of the Inherited Metabolic Diseases Reference Centre of CHSJ, Porto, Portugal
Since 2009, is the Director of the post-graduate specific Clinical Training Program on Inherited Metabolic Diseases (IMD), unique at a national level, delivering 24 months of formation, approved in Portugal by legal entities (Minister of Health and National Medical Board). Invited Lecturer in Paediatrics of FMUP, Porto. Invited Lecturer in Master and Doctoral programs of FMUP and coordinator of IMD modules. Member of the Committee for Molecular Medicine Master program, Faculty of Medicine, Porto.
Experience as Principal Investigator (PI) in multinational, multicenter, clinical trials and international registries; PI of the Portuguese associate center (CHSJ) integrating the European Registry and Network for Intoxication Type Metabolic Diseases (E-IMD), since 2010. PI in national projects, with grants of national entities.
Invited Member of the Working Group of the National Coordinating Centre for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Lysosomal Storage Diseases (2005-2013). Since 2016 is the President of the National Coordinating Committee for the Treatment of Lysosomal Storage Diseases.
Member of international and national scientific societies for IMD. President of the Portuguese Society of Metabolic Diseases (2008-2012). Co-founder and President of the Inherited Metabolic Diseases Section of the Portuguese Society of Paediatrics (SDHM.SPP) (2013-2017). Chair of the general assembly of the SDHM.SPP (since 2017). Chair of the Scientific Committee on National Patient Association.
Research interest: Inherited Metabolic Disorders (IMD), Lysosomal Storage Disorders (LSD), intermediary metabolism diseases (Urea Cycle Diseases, Organic Acidurias, Mithocondrial Disorders), CDG. Publications: book chapters, papers in international journals (peer-reviewed) and national journals.