Andreas Hahn

Prof Hahn earned his medical degree and doctorate at the University Hospital Göttingen, and completed his residency in Pediatrics at the University Hospital Kiel. He spent 1 year as research fellow in the Department of Rehabilitative Medicine in Poitiers (France). Prof. Hahn started his training as a child neurologist in 1991. He acquired special expertise in neurophysiology (Department of Neurology, Kiel) and in pediatric epilepsy (North-German Epilepsy Centre Raisdorf), and achieved the EEG and the EMG certificates of the German Society of Neurophysiology.
Prof Hahn has extensive expertise as a clinician and researcher in the diagnosis and treatment of pediatric rare disorders, neurometabolic and neuromuscular diseases in particular. He is a member of the “Deutsche Gesellschaft für Neuropädiatrie (GNP)”, the “Deutsche Gesellschaft für Muskelkranke (DGM)”, the “Deutsche Gesellschaft für Klinische Neurophysiologie und funktionelle Bildgebung (DGKN)”, and the “Arbeitsgemeinschaft Pädiatrische Stoffwechselstörungen (APS)”.
Since 2007, he is a member of the scientific commitee of the Selbsthilfegruppe M. Pompe Deutschland.
Prof Hahn has published more than 100 peer reviewed clinical and scientific papers.