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an HCP center

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AO City of Health and Science – Turin

HCP Representative: Marco Spada
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AOU Federico II – Naples

HCP Representative: Giancarlo Parenti
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AOU Meyer – Florence

Metabolic, muscular, newborn screening Clinical Unit, Florence
HCP Representative: Maria Alice Donati
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AOU of Udine

Centre for Rare Diseases, Udine
HCP Representative: Maurizio Scarpa
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AOU Pisana

Obesity Center endocrnolgy Unit, Pisa
HCP Representative: Ferruccio Santini
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AOU Policlinico Umberto I – Rome

HCP Representative: Vincenzo Leuzzi
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AOU Siena

HCP Representative: Salvatore Grosso
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AOU University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”

HCP Representative: Marina Melone
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AOUI Verona

Regional Centre for Newborn Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment of Inherited Metabolic Disorders, Department of Pediatrics
HCP Representative: Alessandro Salviati
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Foundation polyclinic University A. Gemelli – Rome

HCP Representative: Raffaele Manna
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Hospital San Paolo – Milan

DPT of Health Sciences – University of Milan
HCP Representative: Graziella Cefalo
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IRCCS AOU Policlinico “S.Orsola-Malpighi”

HCP Representative: Andrea Pession
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IRCCS Institute Giannina Gaslini – Genoa

Unit of rare Diseases
HCP Representative: Maria Cristina Schiaffino
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Pediatric Hospital Bambino Gesù

HCP Representative: Carlo Dionisi Vici
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S. Gerardo Hospital – Monza

Center for rare Diseases, Monza
HCP Representative: Serena Gasperini
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University Hospital of Padova

Division of Inherited Metabolic Diseases
HCP Representative: Alberto Burlina
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University Hospital Policlinico G.Rodolico-San Marco

HCP Representative: Agata Fiumara

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