Lysosomal storage disorders

Autosomal recessive inheritance is a pattern of inheritance where both parents must pass a copy of a mutated gene for their child to inherit the genetic condition or disease. Carriers of the mutated gene, who only have one copy of such a gene, are typically unaffected.


X-linked recessive inheritance is a type of genetic inheritance in which a trait or disorder is carried on the X chromosome. In this type of inheritance, males are more likely to be affected by the disease, as they only have one X chromosome. Females, instead, have two X chromosomes, and so the effect of the mutated gene
can be masked if an unmutated gene is present on the other chromosome. An example of X-linked recessive disorders is colour blindness.


Lysosomes are cellular organelles containing digestive enzymes that break down waste material and cellular debris and also help in the recycling of other cellular organelles.



The Lysosomal subnetwork within MetabERN aims to:

  • gain an overview of patients with lysosomal diseases in the EU (e.g. which diseases, how many patients, clinical outcome, etc.).
  • promote awareness towards lysosomal diseases in the EU.
  • facilitate the more rapid diagnosis of lysosomal diseases in the EU as often a significant diagnostic delay is still present.
  • improve and standardize management of lysosomal diseases in the EU.
  • improve prospects of patients with lysosomal disease in the EU by initiating and contributing to research and implementation of innovative therapies.

Organizational structure

The Lysosomal Core Network will consist of participating HCPs within the MetabERN with expertise in the field of lysosomal diseases and will build on or seek collaboration with existing international collaborations and networks of HCPs in the field of lysosomal diseases. Working groups will be formed to address different important topics within the field of lysosomal diseases.

These include:

  • Prevention & Screening for lysosomal diseases.
  • Diagnosis of (new) lysosomal diseases (including identification of biomarkers).
  • Management of lysosomal diseases (development of clinical guidelines & care paths).
  • Epidemiology & Outcome (participation in existing and development of new registries).
  • Education and Training (development of E-learning tools, work-shops and courses).
  • Virtual Counselling (for specific diseases at different HCPs with specific expertise).
  • Patient Empowerment (organization of patient meetings and interaction with patient organizations).
  • Research (fundamental, translational, clinical).

The executive board of the Lysosomal subnetwork will be formed by the chairpersons of the working groups. An advisory board (with members of patients organizations, policy makers, etc) will be appointed to monitor the different activities of the Lysosomal subnetwork.


Ans van der Ploeg

Ans van der Ploeg


Center for Lysosomal and Metabolic Diseases, Erasmus MC University Hospital Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Dominique P. Germain

Dominique P Germain


Hôpitaux Universitaires Paris Ile de France Ouest, France

Giancarlo Parenti

Giancarlo Parenti


Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria “Federico II”, Napoli, Italy

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