
Innovation Bootcamp in Rare Diseases | 3-5 November 2019

An innovation bootcamp in rare diseases is taking place in Leuven on the 4-5 November in Leuven, Belgium.

Topics: What are the key drivers and resistors in the development of diagnostics and therapeutics in rare diseases in 2019? Get economy insights in the healthcare ecosystem of rare diseases. Your update on ATMPs and innovative diagnostics. How to raise awareness on rare diseases? What about access and affordabilityof orphan drugs? Do not miss out on this unique event and join us in Leuven for IBRD 2019.   Looking forward to welcome you all in Leuven prof. dr. Karen Vanhoorelbeke (coordinator) and the entire PROFILE team The PROFILE project is funded by the HORIZON 2020 programme of the European Union.

Innovation Bootcamp Programme

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