Informative Materials

MetabERN is dedicated to increasing public awareness of Inherited Metabolic Disorders and the European Reference Networks (ERNs), while also promoting a strong support network. In this section you can find a range of informative brochures that provide clear insights and practical guidance on cross-border healthcare and the function of the ERNs.

MetabERN flyer
MetabERN’s Informative Brochure
Patients Leaflet
Informative Leaflet for Patients
u imd
UIMD Registry Informative Leaflet
ERN Brochure
European Reference Networks Brochure
Factsheet Rare Diseases
Factsheet on EU Action on Rare Diseases
erns booklet
European Reference Networks Booklet
How the European Commission works on Rare Diseases and the European Reference Networks ERNs
European Commission Factsheet
EU delivering on rare diseases patients and families
EU for rare diseases patients & families

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