University Hospital Graz
Area of expertise and the Healthcare Provider’s contribution to care for patients within the MetabERN Network
At the Medical University of Graz, over 2,500 academic and general staff members and around 5,000 students conduct research, teach and learn with a spirit of innovation for our patients’ health and well-being.
A center of innovative, cutting-edge medicine in southern Austria, Med Uni Graz provides an attractive workplace and living space and for its staff and students and a significant share of patient care on site.
The Medical University of Graz strives to maintain, restore and improve the health and well-being of its patients on the basis of scientific expertise and research. Each core task of Med Uni Graz—clinical, translational and basic research; student education; postgraduate training and patient care—follows this guiding principle.
All people at Med Uni Graz contribute to the realisation of this principle: doctors, researchers, teachers, students and other staff members.
The broad field of competence at Medical University of Graz rests on three main pillars:
- Future-oriented and innovative education for students and people interested in professional development
- Competitive and internationally networked cutting-edge research from basic science to clinical application
- Personalized and state-of-the-art patient care at University Hospital Graz

University Hospital Graz
Auenbruggerplatz 34, 8036 Graz, Austria