AOU Pisana
Area of expertise and the Healthcare Provider’s contribution to care for patients within the MetabERN Network
The Center has specific expertise on diseases characterised by loss of adipose tissue. A multidisciplinary team and dedicated facilities provide a setting aiming at developing specific ways to diagnose and take charge of lipodystrophic patients.
It works within a fully functional network of European centres of excellence (ECLip) operating in the field of lipodystrophies, to provide an environment that promotes and facilitates research studies and advancement in patient care.
specific treatments and interventions provided by the HCP
The clinical activity includes:
- Diagnosis (genetic screening)
- Phenotype characterisation
- Definition of therapeutical strategy
- Follow-up of the patients
Each patient is added to the Regional Registry for Rare Diseases. Specific therapies for various comorbidities are available.
When indicated, metreleptin administration under a program for compassionate use is started (Named Patient Program Aegerion Pharmaceuticals, Inc. One Main Street Suite 800 Cambridge, MA 02142).

AOU Pisana
Centro EndoCAS, Università di Pisa, Via Paradisa, 2, 56124 Pisa, PI, Italy
Endocrinologia 1, Stabilimento di Cisanello / Edificio 8, Via Paradisa, 2, 56124 Pisa PI, Italy