AO City of Health and Science – Turin
Area of expertise and the Healthcare Provider’s contribution to care for patients within the MetabERN Network
The University Hospital City of Health and Science of Turin is the largest healthcare hub at a national and European level. It guarantees third-level diagnosis and healthcare in multiple treatment paths, prioritizing multidisciplinary approaches that ensure highly qualified appropriate care to best meet the needs of patients. It is also one of the main headquarters of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Turin.
The University Hospital aims to manage both acute and chronic illnesses through multidisciplinary and interconnected pathways, adopting shared and standardized guidelines and protocols throughout the entire regional territory. It is integrated into the hospital system of Hub and Spoke centers, as well as the regional network for pathologies such as stroke, trauma and cardiology to ensure the timely care of patients and integration between territorial and hospital activities, thus providing the best possible responses to users’ health needs.
It represents a center of excellence for the management of high complexity, which is declined into various components: to cite a few examples, from clinical emergencies to specific surgical interventions from a clinical and technological standpoint, organ, tissue, or cell transplants, rehabilitation for patients with myelopathy or neurocerebral disabilities, and the complexity of maternal-infant and pediatric care. It is also actively involved in the screening, management, and therapy of oncological diseases, adhering to the Piemonte and Valle d’Aosta Oncology Network, a regional organizational and functional model for the evaluation and improvement of clinical and organizational appropriateness in order to guarantee equity and access to care, as well as early care for cancer patients.
Furthermore, the hospital is part of the Piemonte regional rare diseases network, which is organically integrated into the national network.

AO City of Health and Science – Turin
Piazza Polonia, 94, Torino, TO, Italia