
EULAR 2019, 12-15 June | Madrid, Spain

EULAR will take its Annual Scientific Congress to Madrid, Spain, from 12-15 June in 2019. The annual EULAR Congresses comprise the major event in the calendar of world rheumatology. Madrid 2019 will again provide a unique event for the exchange of scientific, clinical and patient focussed information on a global basis. In 2019, we will be delighted in particular to celebrate our close cooperation with paediatric colleagues – thus our congress will be jointly organised with the paediatric rheumatology society (PReS), assimilating knowledge across the spectrum of the “decades of life”.

EULAR will offer a platform to facilitate interaction between physicians, scientists, patients of all ages and their families, health professionals and professionals representing the pharmaceutical industry, from across Europe and around the world. Moreover, we will proudly disseminate the latest progress in our exciting and increasingly diverse array of EULAR and PReS supported activities, all focussed on improving the well-being of people with or affected by, rheumatic musculoskeletal diseases.

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