Emergency Protocol

What is a metabolic emergency?

Many inherited metabolic disorders (IMDs) can be complicated by acute episodes of decompensation, which might be precipitated by fasting and catabolism. The clinical signs can vary from one person to another and can include abnormal behaviour, drowsiness, vomiting or tachypnoea.

Dealing with metabolic emergencies might be a real challenge and burden for patients and their families, requiring specialised expertise and ready intervention to avoid potential complications. Recurrent metabolic decompensation is, in fact, a risk in many metabolic diseases and if an emergency occurs,the first measures are usually taken at home before seeking medical experts assistance.
Knowing how to handle such situations can make a significant difference in the well-being and safety of individuals with inherited metabolic disorders.

What is an emergency protocol?

An emergency protocol is a plan that establishes guidelines and best practices to follow in case of metabolic decompensation in patients with IMDs.

CONNECT MetabERN eHealth project has developed an online tool for patients and healthcare professionals aimed to provide some guidance for the management of such emergencies.

It is important to note that these emergency letters are not meant to replace professional metabolic guidance. It is crucial for the person generating the letter to carefully check its contents before using it.

Your emergency letter

The emergency letters created through this website can help patients and families in home managing of metabolic emergencies and in the communication with local doctors in the first hour of in-hospital management until expert metabolic support is secured. The online protocol has been reviewed and approved by medical doctors from centres of expertise that are part of the MetabERN network.

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