Virtual Consultation

Clinical Patient Management System (CPMS 2.0)

The Clinical Patient Management System (CPMS) was launched by the European Commission (Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety – DG SANTE) on November 20th 2017, as a web-based application aimed at supporting the European Reference Networks (ERNs) in improving the diagnosis and treatment of rare or low prevalence complex diseases across national borders of EU Member States.

By providing tools for virtual consultations, the CPMS enables health professionals to enrol patients and share clinical information with other experts within and across ERNs, to carry out collaborative diagnosis and treatment in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR – 2016/679).

To enhance functionality and improve user experience, a new version of the platform has been collaboratively developed by DG-SANTE, the ERNs, and IBM.

More intuitive and user-friendly system

  • Simplified Sign-Up Process: users can enter or set up their account in CPMS 2.0 directly through EU login, without utilizing external platform
  • Easy case upload and discussion

Enhanced Communication Features

  • Discussions and meetings are independent from patient data: they are not necessarily linked to a specific patient, but also general care discussions are allowed
  • Chat feature: informal conversations are possible between individuals or in group
  • Expert invitations: expert from other ERNs can be directly invited to discussions and meetings

Other changes

  • New user role Assistant: a Medical/Personal Assistant, supporting an ERN clinician from the same hospital to perform CPMS activities at patient level. The assistant can receive access to patient records and can be able to perform all system actions on the behalf of the clinician he/she is assisting
  • Inclusion of Ukrainian patients: a procedure to allow the enrollment of Ukrainian patients in the CPMS 2.0 was developed. This will include the involvement of a dedicated UA Hub and a specific consent form.
  • New user consent: Upon the first login, each user must read the privacy policy and give the required consent.
  • Changes in the patient consent: in addition to the consent for care, which is mandatory, there are two other patient consents that can be asked for certain processing activities: the consent for the patient case to be anonymised and used for educational purposes, and the consent for the pseudonymised patient data to be exported to registries. Both are optional and none of them is required for the patient case to be discussed. For Ukrainian patients no secondary consents are collected. GDPR-compliant templates for patient consent form are available in English and in all 24 official EU languages. However, each HCPs is free to adapt the template, according to its specific national or internal regulations. A specific, non-changeable consent form is required for the Ukrainian patients.

CPMS 2.0 Login

The CPMS is only open to healthcare professionals.

Please refer to the informational materials below as a reference for accessing the platform:

Upcoming online Webinars

These sessions are designed to provide a comprehensive overview of the core functionality of CPMS 2.0. Each session will last a maximum of one hour, with the first 30 minutes devoted to training and the remainder to questions and answers.

Scheduled webinars

Click on the dates to join the webinars

10 March 2025, 15:00 CET
12 March 2025, 9:00 CET
7 April 2025, 10:00 CET
9 April 2025, 16:00 CET
19 May 2025, 15:00 CET
20 May 2025, 9:00 CET
16 June 2025, 10:00 CET
18 June 2025, 16:00 CET


Main overview
Sign up Flow for Clinicians, Assistants and Guests
Patient records and enrolling new patients
Adding files and participants to Patient Records
Opening and conducting a Discussion
Scheduling a meeting
User settings
Chat feature

CPMS Success Stories

From the University Hospital Santiago de Compostela

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