Module 04: Sugars & energy metabolism (II)

4 Sugars 2

Sugar and energy metabolism is the object of three modules (Modules 3, 4 and 5). In Module 4, Krebs cycle, the main source of energy in cells with a very important role in the aerobic respiration is discussed. It is at the crossroad of intermediary metabolism and is indispensable for energy production and biosynthesis in the cells. Fatty acid oxidation with its important role in energy metabolism is the second topic of this module. The end products ketone bodies are produced by the liver and can be used as fuel in other organs with a sparing effect on the blood glucose level. These metabolic processes, together with the possible diseases associated to their deficits are discussed.

Authors: François Eyskens,Laurence Roosens

Accreditation: 1 European CME Credit (ECMEC®s) will be assigned after attending all the lessons and achieving the passmark of 70 % in all the self-assessment sessions.

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