This module deals with trace elements and vitamins metabolism. Specifically, Wilson disease is presented as an example of a disorder affecting the cupper metabolism. The accumulation of cupper due to a defective elimination from the liver into the bile gives rise to chronic liver disease (liver cirrhosis), hemolysis and neurological symptoms. Several treatment options for Wilson disease are discussed. Hyperhomocysteinemia can have different clinical presentations and can be caused by different metabolic defects: primary enzymatic deficiencies or disturbances in cofactors, as vitamin B12 and folic acid. In this module, also the importance of vitamins in the treatment of inherited metabolic diseases are put forward.
Authors: David Cassiman, François Eyskens, Viktor Kozich
Accreditation: 1 European CME Credit (ECMEC®s) will be assigned after attending all the lessons and achieving the passmark of 70 % in all the self-assessment sessions.