We are delighted to announce some exciting news! MetabERN and Medics4RareDiseases (M4RD) are eager to combine their efforts, establishing future collaboration. Medics4RareDiseases is a registered charity driving an attitude change towards rare diseases amongst medical students and doctors in training.
Education and training of young physicians and young healthcare professionals is highly important to raise awareness about rare diseases and inspire the next generation of physicians involved in the field. The objective of M4RD is the relief of sickness and preservation of health for those suffering from rare diseases, throughout the world, by:
- advancing the education of medics, associated professionals and the public in rare diseases, genetic and genomic medicine
- promoting research in all areas relating to rare diseases, genetic and genomic medicine and publishing the useful results
- promoting improved care and treatment of those suffering from rare diseases.
Earlier this year M4RD has announced the launch of Rare Disease 101 training for medical professionals. Rare Disease 101 is an online and interactive education module that aims to reduce the Diagnostic Odyssey whilst improving the rare patient experience. MetabERN will encourage young physicians with an interest in rare diseases to register and follow the Rare Disease 101 online module.
Click here and register for the Rare Disease 101 online module, free to use by healthcare professionals.
Visit the M4RD website here to found out more information.