Niklas Darin

- Associate Professor, Lecturer and Senior Consultant in Child Neurology with special emphasis on Neuromuscular and Neurometabolic disorders in children at the Queen Silvia Children’s Hospital, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Göteborg, Sweden
- Head of Centre for Neurometabolic diseases witin Sahlgrenska Centre for rare diseases
- Board member of the Swedish Inherited Metabolic Disease group 2004-2008
- Board member of the European Paediatric Neurology Society 2006-2009
- Member of the Mitochondrial Medicine Society’s Committee for Diagnosis 2006-2009
- Scientific Secretary of the Swedish Neuropediatric Society 2012-2015
- Head of the Neurometabolic group within the Swedish Neuropediatric Society 2015-
Medicine licentiate degree at the department of Pediatrics, The Queen Silvia Children’s Hospital, Gothenburg University 29 April 1999, Project title;”Clinical, morphological and genealogical analysis of a new myopathy with joint contractures at birth, ophthalmoplegia, rimmed vacuoles and linkage to chromosome region 17p13.1
PhD degree at the department of Pediatrics, The Queen Silvia Children’s
Hospital, Göteborg University, 1 dec, 2000, Project title; “Neuromuscular
disorders in childhood, epidemiology and characterization of a new myopathy”
2001-07-01—2003-01-31 Postdoc research fellow in the group of Pierre Rustin at INSERM U393, Hôpital Enfants-Malades, Paris.